I went to my blog this morning to look up a post from last year and I found where it has been two months since I've put finger to computer key. I know I've been dang busy but I can't believe I've done nothing worthy of sharing in two months. I joined yet another volunteer organization. A new Lions Club formed in town and I became a charter member. Not being one to sit on the sidelines and watch, I dove in with both feet and find that along with the SPCA, Therapy Dogs, and the church (not necessarily in that order), my days and evenings seem to be quite full.
When I'm not out and about, my "new" family keeps me occupied and entertained. Kasey is now a year and a half old; still the energizer bunny on steroids. Sombra (or baby kitty) is a little over a year now. That tiny little handful of fur is one huge cat today. She and Kasey still think they're littermates. Miss Katie is now eleven, which makes her darn near my age. Kasey brings out the second puppyhood in her on occasion and she's dropped 5 pounds since we adopted him. They're quite a crew.
It's just about a year since Judi moved up the road and that's been a real treat. We gather our four-legged children and visit back and forth; sometimes for dinner, sometimes for whine & wine, and sometimes just to watch the "kids". We go to city and spend the day, not to mention our wallets, we dog-sit for each other and bask in knowing we have a good friend just up/down the road when we need.
We didn't have a winter to speak of (yet) this year. Had some good snow a couple of weekends ago; had a couple of short-lived rain storms, expecting rain again this weekend. Now, it snowed in early April last year so we're not out of the woods, I wouldn't do any planting yet. But this is the mildest winter I've seen in a long time, not necessarily a bad thing for me personally. My old friend, Arthur-itis, is much easier to live with in this weather.
Today the sun is shining, I have the doors and a couple of windows open (tonight I'll have the pellet stove going), so I think I'll get up off the porch rocker and find something to do in the yard and sun.
Won't wait so long this time, I'll be back to check the view from the porch rocker soon.