Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Close Encounter of the Casey Kind

It's barely 11am and already it's been a full and eventful day.  Woke up to rain this morning, that's okay.  Let the dogs out about 7am knowing when they came back in it would be towel & hair dryer time, that's okay.  Turned to come back in and saw the invisible fence collar still on the table ... not okay!  Now Katie had gone out, come right back in, she really doesn't need the collar anymore.  Himself is another story.

I called, and I called.  So now I'm sure all the neighbors are awake and ready to kill the dog or me.  I can see the deer across the road and figure that's where he must be.  Jump in the car with a bag of treats and drive up and down, up and down, up and ... well, you get the picture.  I call, I announce I have treats.  Hmmm, I can't hear him.  Thoughts are going through my mind that I can't write here.  Use your imagination and then kick it up a notch.

When I get home, I go to the back door and, of course, I can hear him again.  After two car trips and many "Casey, come!" calls, I walk back to the car and realize I don't hear him from the carport.  I walk to the back of the house and I can hear him under my deck (which is maybe a couple of feet off the ground).  I hear him bark, I hear a hiss, I hear a yelp.  It gets quiet and then repeats.  There are two areas where he's discovered he can get under the deck; me, not so much.

I finally gave in and called my neighbor and he came over and unscrewed boards and lifted them 'til we could see what was going on (remember, it's raining and not lightly).  There in the corner is a opossum, a very large opossum, as big or bigger than Kasey.  And he is focused on that critter.  We can't grab him because we risk losing hand to critter.  Opossum is now playing opossum; little dog is not buying it.  Dog makes lunge at critter, Donnie makes grab for dog.  Yay!  Dog out from under deck. 

To say Kasey is dirty is the understatement of the month.  He's wet, he's filthy, he's in my house and the floors are wet, they are full of dirt, leaves, and weeds.  He wants back out ... yeah, that's going to happen.  Donnie and I are soaked through.

About an hour later, after dog bath and hot shower, I go out and see momma and all the baby opossums leaving the nest.  Don't know if they're down the road or just a new spot under the deck.  This afternoon, Donnie will come back and replace all the boards, we'll block off the access points and hope mama isn't trapped under the deck with her only option being to go under the house.

The world's greatest hunter is now bathed, dried, fed, sleeping, and dreaming of his great adventure.  I've had a full day, I'm done!  Never mind that I still have a full schedule ahead of me this afternoon and evening, I'm ready to put this day away and start again tomorrow and it's not even noon.

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