Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Weekend Visit

I have some special friends down in Fresno. We've been friends for going on ten years. They started going to the church where I was going and we discovered that he worked at the post office with my son. It didn't start off as any great, made in heaven, friendship. She and I were/are both control freaks and it took some doing for each of us to find our place without tromping all over the other one. But when it's meant to be, it works itself out. We've been good friends ever since. They're like a second family to me. (They're who spent Easter with me and helped me take flowers to my husband's grave.) The boys are 19 and 13 (days from 14) and the older boy and his "adopted grandma" have become very close.

He came up this weekend just to hang out and keep me company. He has friends in the area but decided he could see them "later." We watched a couple of movies, shared a pizza, he helped me with some chores that are difficult for me to do alone and, being a modern teenager, was able to hook up a TV set in "his" room and reconfigure my computer for me. He's great company. We actually talk with each other. He's equally comfortable going to his room to catch up on homework. Neither of us feels that we have to entertain the other. He's a great help with the day to day tasks and doesn't expect to be waited on (kudos to mom). Katie and the felines love him and the feeling's mutual - this is a good thing.

Next weekend the whole family's coming up with some other friends I haven't seen in a long time and they're throwing a work party and helping to clear the weeds and brush and take care of all the little things that I can't do anymore but which are vastly important up here. I just have to pray for clear weather and get my family gathering cooking utensils out. Isn't life wonderful?!

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