Sunday, July 25, 2010

There's an Octopus in My Living Room

I'm rather used to seeing lizards scamper across the floor. They really don't bother me and obviously they don't bother the cats. Now spiders are something else. The thought that some spider who/which is currently strolling across my wall or ceiling may be dropping on my bed tonight ... NO! Dead spider!!!

However, I've discovered an octopus has apparently taken up residence in my living room. There are three pairs of shoes and one pair of slippers under and around the coffee table. Every so often I find these signs that he's here or has been here, although I've never actually seen him. Again, the cats don't seem concerned and as long as it doesn't knock or drive into the yard, Katie doesn't much care either. Kinda cool though, the shoes and slippers all fit me. I'll just go stash them in my closet. I've noticed he always manages to find them and in no time at all brings them all back into the living room again.

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