Thursday, July 22, 2010

Thursday Evening

Hah, Igor, take that! The day, once advanced upon, was a very good day! Kate and I went to the church office where I had plenty to keep me challenged and busy. Part of what I was working on needed to be taken to an office where she couldn't go inside (and she certainly can't wait in the car this time of year) so she stayed in the air-conditioned office with her favorite priest while I wandered out and about. I brought her home and left her to feline sit while I went for my pedicure.

Back to normal. Note to self: I'm getting too old for this crap, I've gotta remember to not only keep mind and hands busy but to stay socially active. (Note to Barb: Thanks for the "been there, done that" and the encouragement. Among others, mine is Psalm 34.) The rest of the week and weekend is busy. Not wearing, just busy enough. Hoping for a drop in temp up here tomorrow. I'm gonna pressure wash the deck tomorrow evening and the porch Saturday morning. Shopping tomorrow or Saturday and then company for dinner Sunday. We're grilling pork chops and veggies. For dessert I found this really to die for bread pudding at a local hotel restaurant. Take out, anyone?

Soon as the weather breaks I'll drive down to the city again. The price of cat food locally is killing my wallet. They won't do boiled chicken & rice with yogurt or cottage cheese like Katie. If I don't open a can, it's obviously not fit to eat. They nibble on kibble (pun intended) now and then but breakfast & dinner requires a pop top ... and yes, specific ingredients pop tops. Given their ages and condition, I tend to spoil them. If they were younger and healthier, I'd spoil them anyway. Why change now?!

Pull out the porch rocker and have a great weekend! I'm gonna!!

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